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What Is Industrial Zoning? Light vs. Heavy Industrial Zones

Industrial zoning

These specially designated locations are called “industrial zones,” and their primary function is to foster manufacturing. Usually situated on the fringes of cities, these areas are designated for manufacturing, production, and other industrial use, which is mainly is difference between commercial and industrial zoning. You may also find warehouses, distribution centers, and other facilities of a similar nature in industrial zones.

People created the emergence of Industrial zones to separate industrial expansion from residential and commercial areas, mitigating the adverse effects of the former. Regional, state or federal authorities may have jurisdiction over industrial zones. Private investors and governmental entities may hold land in these areas. If you want to dig deeper into industrial zoning, you should know the types of industrial zoning.


The 2 Types of Industrial Zoning: Light vs. Heavy


1. Light Industrial Zone

Production methods and locations that don’t require costly machinery or production tools are classified as “light industrial.” Light manufacturing facilities may have toys, while heavy manufacturing facilities may make an essential component used by the toy factory itself or create the energy used to run the factory. Light industrial zones are typically more consumer-focused than heavy industrial zones since they produce goods for final consumers rather than intermediates for use in other industries.

Light businesses’ raw resources, space, and power are significantly lower. Because of the lower environmental impact of light industry facilities compared to those of heavy industry, these establishments are often allowed close to residential areas under zoning regulations.

If you’re trying to get a feel for what kind of businesses fall under the umbrella term “light industry,” consider the following light industrial zoning examples.

  • Products for Enterprises: Some Commercial Items Fall Under the “Light Industry” Category. Companies that specialize in producing office furniture are examples of the light industry. Companies that make office supplies and similar low-volume goods are in the same boat.
  • Consumer Electronics: Also known as home electronics, these are electronic devices designed for everyday, often personal, usage and can be either analog or digital. Flat-screen televisions, DVD players, video games, radio-controlled vehicles, and other amusement devices are all examples of consumer electronics.
  • Consumables: Despite their widespread use in modern households, all consumer items, including appliances as large as refrigerators, are considered light manufacturing. Products that fall under the category of “consumer durables” can go for a long time between replacements.
  • Light Construction: Unlike manufacturing, which often involves mass manufacturing similar things for sale to anybody who wants them, construction is typically performed on-site for a specific client. The heavy industry refers to developing large-scale facilities like ports, whereas the light industry refers to constructing smaller structures like homes.
  • Energy Innovation: Solar panel production is an example of a new, innovative energy sector with the advantage of being a light industry and requiring fewer resources to get started. Examples include biomass, hydroelectricity, geothermal energy, solar heating, wind power, thermal energy, and various forms of contemporary bioenergy.


2. Heavy Industrial Zone


The goods produced in rich industrial zones are not directly aimed at customers, unlike those made in light industrial zones, but rather at enterprises that may or not use them in consumer-facing goods. Industries that require a lot of energy and cash are zoned as heavy industrial.

Oil, mining, shipbuilding, steel, chemicals, machinery, and similar fields are examples of heavy industrial zoning. Skyscraper and dam building, rocket and wind turbine production, and other heavy industry forms frequently include massive systems.


Employing UAVs for Industrial Mapping: The Benefits


Drones, also called Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (AUVs), have supported various industries. It has continually provided leading innovations and, thus, is prominently known for being a multi-industrial tool. In this case, drones can also provide aid to industrial zoning.

The government strictly regulates commercial and industrial real estate developments since different land areas serve other uses, and with drones, you can reap several benefits of Industrial zoning.

Benefit #1. Compliance

ZenaDrone 1000, one of the leading drone technology available in the market, has top-notch land mapping technology incorporating geotagging. It allows a broad aerial view of massive lands, perfect for land surveying and avoiding restricted industrial zoning parts. With drones, it is easier and faster to locate which areas are limited and is available for your use.

Benefit #2. Efficiency

Drones can quickly and efficiently survey large industrial sites, providing real-time data and insights that can help improve efficiency and productivity. Industrial zoning permitted uses to include drones as long as it complies with the regulations of the Civil Aviation Authority.

Benefit #3. Cost savings

Using drones can significantly reduce the cost of site inspection and maintenance, as they can access hard-to-reach areas without needing scaffolding or other specialized equipment.

Benefit #4. Safety

Drones can inspect hazardous areas or perform tasks that might be dangerous for human workers, improving safety and reducing the risk of accidents.

Benefit #5. Precision

Drones can have high-resolution cameras and sensors that provide precise, detailed data on industrial equipment, structures, and infrastructure conditions.

Benefit #6. Flexibility

Drones can be easily deployed and redeployed to different locations, making them versatile tools for industrial inspection and maintenance.

Benefit #7. Data collection

Drones can collect a wide range of data, including photos, videos, and other sensor data, which can inform decision-making, track progress, and improve operations. Some drones, like the ZenaDrone 1000, have Artificial Intelligence (AI.) which allows you to keep track of industrial zoning codes for seamless data collection ahead.


The Bottom Line


Unlike heavy industry, which caters primarily to corporations, the light industry caters to individual consumers by producing a wide variety of modest goods. Light industry can be housed in smaller buildings in industrial parks, while heavy industry necessitates sprawling complexes.

There are many advantages to incorporating drones into industrial zoning, including reduced zoning expenses, more accessible data collection, and even compliance with existing standards. With ZenaDrone 1000’s advanced industrial zoning functions, you may quickly and easily determine the various forms of industrial zoning and commence