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Wildfire Control

Why Drones are Essential for Wildfire Control

Drones play a pivotal role in providing critical intelligence for decision-making. In the case of a forest fire, time is of the utmost importance. That’s why using the ZenaDrone 1000 makes perfect sense for two main reasons: initial detection and initial rescue. Here’s a breakdown of their role:

  • ZD 1000 can quickly take flight, reach the fire-affected area, map the extent of the fire, and share this vital information with relevant agencies within minutes.
  • ZD 1000 have various sensors, including a thermal camera with multiple color palettes that provide a comprehensive view of the fire’s spread and speed. This feature helps civil authorities develop an effective relief plan. 


Drones Prevent and Reduce Active Forest Fires

Information Gathering

During a forest fire, firefighters must identify hotspots, which can be challenging and dangerous for ground crews due to the fire’s large area of coverage. ZD 1000 equipped with thermal cameras are far more efficient in this task.


A drone pilot can cover a significant area and use the thermal camera to pinpoint hotspots. Advanced thermal cameras integrated with UAVs like the ZenaDrone 1000 can accurately identify hot and cold zones, offering responders a clear understanding of the temperatures they face.


Protection and Assistance

Fighting any fire poses risks for firefighters, but forest fires can shift direction due to wind conditions. Ground crews can be easily trapped without knowledge of the fire’s spread. ZD 1000 footage provides insights into the fire’s movement and reach, ensuring the safety of firefighters by preventing them from getting too close to the inferno.


Terrain Mapping

Footage captured by the ZenaDrone 1000 can be transformed into a 3D map, allowing civil authorities to assess the extent of damage. This information proves valuable for post-incident relief efforts and enables insurance companies to verify damage claims.


Real-time Awareness

Practical relief work requires proper planning and resource allocation. In 2018, Hechingen, Germany, faced severe drought, and a wildfire threatened the town, while water levels dropped below 50%. The Hechingen Fire Department was called in to control the blaze.


The fire was located far from water sources, near a remote country road, and covered an area of approximately 5,000 square meters. Multiple drones were deployed to gather intelligence. Aerial imagery revealed hotspots and the fire’s spread, enabling firefighters to plan accordingly and transport water to the location in fire engines to contain the blaze. 

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