ZenaDrone Homepage

Livestock Management

Monitor and Track Animals

Livestock Management production entails 24/7 monitoring and security. Cattle eat the grass around vast lands all day. It can be challenging for farmers to check on their livestock using traditional methods. The ZenaDrone technology facilitates daily tasks, including checking for their health conditions, food, and water supply and tracking their movement.


The livestock management has adopted drone use to streamline their day-to-day processes. Drones have been widely accepted because it helps save time and resources and have higher-level access to information.

Search for Lost Cattle

Farm animals are valuable assets in livestock management. Animals roaming the ranch may reach the perimeter fence and get past it through some unchecked opening. Cattle can get as far as heavily wooded areas, dangerous terrain, or other property.   ZenaDrone system consists of artificial intelligence, machine learning software integration, GPS tagging, and a thermal scanner capable of locating lost animals and monitoring their health conditions using a GPS tagging system integrated with the drone. In case of theft or natural disasters such as wildfire or flood, drone technology can quickly search acres of land for lost or stolen animals with livestock tracking Drone.

Farm Security Monitoring

Ranchers put up a solid fence to ensure the safety of the herd. The ZenaDrone 1000 can provide aerial surveillance for farm assessment and ground activities. It can cover vast terrains and help ranch owners democratize access to aerial security quickly.

ZenaDrone 1000 system is a quadcopter drone with a long flight time to survey extensive farm perimeter fences. Its high-definition camera can capture vivid photos and videos from its flight missions.

Thermal Imaging

ZenaDrone 1000 is fitted with thermal imaging systems that help detect heat from animals. It helps identify any sick or lost animals early and take appropriate action. Thermal imaging can also help ranchers gauge the cattle’s height, weight, and condition.

GPS Tracking and Livestock Management

ZenaDrone 1000 has GPS tracking features that help in locating the animals quickly. It is advantageous when searching for lost animals in vast areas or dangerous terrains because of its exact coordinates.

Disease Detection

ZenaDrone 1000 has disease detection features that help monitor animal behavior, capture vivid photos of animal physique, and observe emerging livestock diseases. It can detect conditions that enable ranchers to manage the cattle by isolating the defective cattle from the rest of the herd.

Herd Tracking

ZenaDrone 1000 helps in herd tracking by providing an aerial view of the livestock management. Its thermal scanner registers cattle body heat, and its GPS tracking system sends signals of the exact location of the animals. It gives a better understanding of the herd’s size, movement, and distribution. It is highly beneficial in large ranches and agriculture farms.

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